For, Since and During?

Vocês sabem a diferença entre as palavras FOR, SINCE and DURING?

For_ Since_During
FOR ➡used to express a quantity of time, or the duration of something

➡ “He has lived in Monaco for 3 years.”
➡ “Susan studied French for 1 month.”
➡ “We have been here for hours.”

SINCE➡ used to express when something started. Relates to a specific time in the past

➡ “I have been a teacher since I was 15 years old.”
➡ “She has had the same hair style since her teenage.”
➡ “We have been waiting since 6 pm.”

DURING➡ used with nouns in order to say what happens inside a period of time.

➡ “The audience fell asleep during the concert.”
➡ “The restaurant is closed during the day.”
➡ “She exposed very interesting ideas during the conversation.”