see ➡ look ➡ watch

Existem algumas semelhanças nos verbos “SEE”, “LOOK” and “WATCH”.
Repare bem que nós falamos semelhanças porque ambas as palavras estão relacionadas ao “olhar”. Embora cultivem este denominador comum é importante
sabermos as sutilezas que cada umas destas palavras carregam! 
➡ SEE – when an image comes to our eyes; without intent
➡ LOOK AT – to see something with intent and attention; often used with AT.
Students confuse it a lot using the wrong preposition FOR which changes the meaning.
Who remembers GREASE?
Watch this video.
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The title of the song is : “Look at me I’m Sandra Dee.” Olha a preposição!!
➡ WATCH–  to look intensily and something (often something that is moving)