Will and Would.

Vocês ainda se confundem na hora de usar WILL and WOULD?
Fizemos uma listagem comparativa que pode ser bem útil para acabar com qualquer dúvida!

will and would

➡ Request:

WILL: informal
“Will you help me?

WOULD: polite
“Would you help me?”

➡ Refusal

WILL: present /future (negative form)
“He won’t help me.”

WOULD: past (negative form)
“He would’t help me.”


➡ Offer

WILL: present /future
“I’ll help you”

WOULD: past (would + presente perfect)
“I would have helped you.”

➡ Conditional

WILL: first
“ If he asks me, I’ll help him.”

WOULD: second
“If I had a boat, I would sail around the world.”

WOULD: third
“If he had asked me, I would have helped him.”

➡ Future

“He will tutor me next month.”

“He promised he would tutor me.”