Vocês ainda se confundem na hora de usar WILL and WOULD?
Fizemos uma listagem comparativa que pode ser bem útil para acabar com qualquer dúvida!
➡ Request:
WILL: informal
“Will you help me?
WOULD: polite
“Would you help me?”
➡ Refusal
WILL: present /future (negative form)
“He won’t help me.”
WOULD: past (negative form)
“He would’t help me.”
➡ Offer
WILL: present /future
“I’ll help you”
WOULD: past (would + presente perfect)
“I would have helped you.”
➡ Conditional
WILL: first
“ If he asks me, I’ll help him.”
WOULD: second
“If I had a boat, I would sail around the world.”
WOULD: third
“If he had asked me, I would have helped him.”
➡ Future
“He will tutor me next month.”
“He promised he would tutor me.”